Friday 26 August 2011

The most touching ONE..

Alright, continue from the night of my second suprise. We went for steamboat after that. Having fun talking rubbish and nonsenses are always our hobby.! Haha.! Suddenly, I received whatsapp from Jiayi. Wishing me Happy birthday.! She said she did not forget but just wan to be the last one to wish me. AwwWww... I was so touch and I listen to a short record she sent to me..."happy birthday to u~~~*she sang* and siao po, older one year already, don't keep siao-ing d. Have to be a mature adult. Wish u always happy and get a lot a lot a lot champion. And wish u could find a very very love and pamper me BF. Happy birthday! Love u.!" my tears drop as I listen to this. I just could help anymore. I really had such sincere bunch of friends around me. Support me when I was really down, keep guiding me when I was blank and confuse, cheer me up when I was sad. Jiayi, Angel and Wendy, they always by my side no matter what happen. I am so blessed. *crying*... T.T I wish all of my friends stay healthy and happy always. Thanks for the love and care. Love u all so much. : )

Thursday 25 August 2011

Another Suprise.!

Wow wow.! After drunk yesterday, I'm so tired and woke up early.! Argh.! Yes.! It is 25 August.! MY DAY.! Haha.! Oh well, waiting for Rebecca Chan to wake up and we went for our lunch at Jusco Bukit Tinggi. Guess what.? We met Eddie Tay, Jenri and Xiao Teng.! So we Sakae Sushi together.! Woohoo.! Finished up everything and having ice cream, me and Rebecca went back to studio. Seeing those cute students, I invited Laz Minute (Raydio popping crew) to go mamak and I treat.! Haha.! They are really good boys and I hope they really can dance well. All of sudden, I receive a call from Rebecca said there are parents want to meet me at studio. So, I rush back like a Babi and Boom.! They shock me with BALLOONS.! Argh.! Naughty.! Alright then it's ok. I went back to Mamak to settle up the bill and all.

Stepping up the staircase, I saw inside of studio was so dark and BOOM.! Another Suprise with birthday cake.! Awwww...: ).. They are lovely students.! Sing and shout like mad at studio. I'm so thankful and touch. Receiving a silver cap from the
.! It is so nice and cool.! Love it.! I hope all of Raydio students will do well in studies so that it won't affected them to come Raydio to dance.! As I always say, Raydio only allow Dance n Enjoy.! So, thanks a lot boys and girls! I'm really blessed.! Appreciate.! : )

It's my birthday.!

Yeah.! It's 24/8/2011, yet everyone seems to be busy! Wendy said OT, Rebecca said family dinner, Willian Pauline Chee Heng said early back, Angel good in acting, Raymond and Wailun talented in drama-ing, Fenny good in spying, Eddie was preparing.! Oh well.! All of them are really good in drama.! I was kinda bored and thinking of celebrating my birthday on the next day as everyone was so damn busy. Sitting down at studio, playing Facebook and chatting with Rohan that he asking whether do I celebrate? I said "No". He is the first one to post on my Facebook wall to wish me Happy birthday. Wow it sounds great. Talking bout going beach, guitar, kite, beers and bubbles, I wonder if all this wishes will be true? Hope so. While waiting for a student parents, Wailun called Rohan and just fool around with him. Somehow I felt shy as they call me to answer the call n he wished me. After all, I drove back home and Angel with me as she said her mum will pick her from my shop.

Yes.! I'm home and my dad shout to me asking me to go at the back door. So I went and BOOM~! Big big Suprise for me from all of them singing birthday song with cake, mask, whistle and all.! I was like... STUNNED..@.@.. I can't believe it.! It was so touch.! My buddies all here.! Yes I'm really touch with my tears filling my eyes. I felt so thankful that I am blessed with such lovely family and buddies.! They are my family too.! We had game session and most of us gonna drunk, especially me! Woohoo.! I really enjoy! Thanks a lot and love u all.!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Buddies Outing.!

When I was about to fall asleep yesterday night, Angel Wong called me and said Amo was around OUG. Wanna ask for outing with us as he was really kinda free for whole day. So, today we went Sunway Pyramid to meet up Amo and chill. Great time there and had Chatime bubble tea. Haha.! Leekee Ooi joined us too. Talking nonsenses all day long. After all that we went for movie! Damn funny.! Fok Lok Sau.! Laugh die us like hell.! Haha.! Finished our movie and meet up with Leekee Ooi again together with Kong Chia Chan Jayzee. We had dinner together and I realized that they are really funny making fun of Jayzee especially Leekee, he was so fed up hahaha.! Woohoo.! Was kinda great time together and I've not been outing with such friends for such long time. Kinda fun to join different friends too.! Oh well, I appreciate all my buddies.! Amo is really a nice buddy and steady.! Wish him luck for his interview and we shall see him "buang" if ever got the chance.! Haha.! Great day.! : )

Sunday 3 July 2011

Great weekend. : )

Weeee~^.^ what a great weekend I had! I've been to the beach for three days and yesterday was the third day! I brought along Angel Wong and my sister. We brought kites, bubbles, drinks and run to the beach. It makes me feel so good whenever I was at the beach. : ) relax and calm. Photography session! Our favorite of all. Haha.! When I was stepping my feet nearby the beach, my heart got touch. Somehow, it is kinda feel that I am closer to peace. I enjoy my time with Angel that makes me feel pure. Life is all about reality. I have to face it I know. I gonna be tough. Can I say, thanks for my ex-bf for hurting me and left me? As it leads me to tougher life and on my on feet! Thanks idiot! Previously, I don't feel all the scene around me. I choose to lock up myself of all. But now, for me, I have nothing but me, myself and I. Family too! Relationship is just adding flavor into my life. Not asking for more, I just wanna stay pure, appreciate, calm and peace. : ) beach again? Yup!

Monday 27 June 2011

Raydio Anniversary 3..!!!

Woohoo! Raydio 3 was really awesome! Everything goes well.! Can I say the biggest ever Popping 1vs1 battle, first Waacking 1vs1 battle and great Bboy 2on2? Yes! I felt so glad that we could manage to handle the event well. Thanks a lot for helpers volunteer themselves else we will be stuck! Champion of Waacking - Ayumi , Champion of Popping - Twister Ah Hanz , Champion of Bboy - Famous One and Kid Inn.! Awesome champions! Too bad that we had to cancel two showcase as the time limited. Somehow, everyone enjoy the party and had lots of fun. After clearing all, we went to Ah Hock Mee Stall for supper then fetch Bernad Pang and Kye to studio meet up Cypherz Kingz. Woohoo! Studio are full of guys! They were having fun playing in the studio! Haha! Raye and Gano overnight at Raydio too! Angel and me just went there and chill with them for moment then we went back. Next morning, we gotta fetch all of them for breakfast! Dim Sum! Woohoo! ^.^ nice one! Everyone enjoying the food and chit chatting. Then, we drive them to the bus station and send them off. Ya, it feels kinda nice to join them. Cypherz Kingz surprised me as in they are humble, fun and nice! It is nice to meet them up! Oh well, meeting up Rachel, Marcus, Zhiming and KS at the cendol klang and brought them to Jusco shopping! Well, it was really a great experience. Thanks a lot to Raymond Baggyhead, my teacher, giving each is us opportunity to handle every single job! Train us well.! Woohooo! Funk Jam 2? Stay tuned!

Saturday 25 June 2011

Can't wait.!

Today 25/6/2011, my parents kopitiam anniversary for 20years.! Woohoo! It's been a long long way till today. Sorry that I'm busy preparing for tomorrow event Raydio 3 anniversary.! Spending whole day out! I was sleeping when I receive phone call from dad said about the venue might interrupt our event. I was like...oh shit.! Calling Raymond and Wailun, they shock and get up to settle this. Well, I'm worry about this. Can everything goes smooth? I want it smooth.! Somehow, plan B was out and it might cancel performances. No choice. Afternoon, spending time at Ipaq preparing all the last minutes job and all. Heads to studio, watch students rehearsal and clean up everything! Finally, Cypherz Kingz are here! They are humble and nice! Fresh! They will be staying overnight at Raydio for two nights. Just back from having supper with them and also Raymond. Prepared everything well and good.! Just pray hard tomorrow will be a good day! : ) Raydio! Here we go! : )

Thursday 23 June 2011

Cypher..!!! Fun..!!! Hardwork..!!!

We are getting closer to Raydio 3. Today all the Raydio student who gonna perform busy rehearsal their own routines. I can see that they do really put efforts and time for all they have, just like what me and my dancemates (Angel and Wendy) been through. I felt so appreciate and thankful to all the lovely girls and naughty boys. Though I know I am kinda serious and fierce to them, but else they will never behave and learn the right mindset. Hopefully they really will not hate me.! Haha.! For Angel, I've seen that she showed really good example to her raydies.! She's a good teacher. See her growing from time to time makes me feel happy. For Wendy, ya! She's improving a lot.! Her popping was really dope and foundation well. I like her dance soul. She within 3 of us is the most toughest girl that I've ever seen with her positive thinking which she just do like her way out of it.! I have my both dancemates for years and o know we are not only dancemates and friends! More than anything.! Lovely time.! Cyphering tepi jalan in front of Raydio with Wailun, Andrew, Willian, Wendy and Lia was really fun and chilling. I'm not sure whether can we ever last the fun but I appreciate every single moment with my buddies.!

Tuesday 21 June 2011


Haha.! Yes, tonight we plan to train hard in studio for Raydio 3. Well, glad that we finished up all the choreography and all we need to do is just dance.! Today is fun because we had Jenri and Li May (angel's student) dance and shout with us after training. They makes me thought of life is just as simple as they expected. No worry no grumbling. Just happy go lucky.! This is what Raydio leads us to. When I'm driving back home fetching Angel, she too busy singing and shouting with me on the way back home. I am bless with all the lovely girls around. : ) I love my life. : ) happy go lucky..: )

Friday 17 June 2011

Work harder..: )

For all the while of all the travelling, now me and my dancemates Raydio are getting ready for next week Raydio 3rd Year Anniversary! Woohoo! We've been working so hard from the first year and the third one gonna be great. Busy busy busy meeting meeting meeting training training are all we ever need to balance up. I'm glad that I am part of the whole event and proud to be part of Raydio, raydians.! Whenever I was preparing and meeting with my dancemates, I was thinking what Raymond had always told us before.. He said "No matter in any condition, we are doing the right thing, just keep it up! And prepare ourselves well." I wasnt really feel that it really works and fair but somehow, finally I see it.!. Raydio growing.! Is all from our patient and also mindset. For now, I will say "This is Raydio.!" we gonna rock the party next week.! : )

Thursday 26 May 2011

hey hey

Finally i got blogggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg~~~