Friday 26 August 2011

The most touching ONE..

Alright, continue from the night of my second suprise. We went for steamboat after that. Having fun talking rubbish and nonsenses are always our hobby.! Haha.! Suddenly, I received whatsapp from Jiayi. Wishing me Happy birthday.! She said she did not forget but just wan to be the last one to wish me. AwwWww... I was so touch and I listen to a short record she sent to me..."happy birthday to u~~~*she sang* and siao po, older one year already, don't keep siao-ing d. Have to be a mature adult. Wish u always happy and get a lot a lot a lot champion. And wish u could find a very very love and pamper me BF. Happy birthday! Love u.!" my tears drop as I listen to this. I just could help anymore. I really had such sincere bunch of friends around me. Support me when I was really down, keep guiding me when I was blank and confuse, cheer me up when I was sad. Jiayi, Angel and Wendy, they always by my side no matter what happen. I am so blessed. *crying*... T.T I wish all of my friends stay healthy and happy always. Thanks for the love and care. Love u all so much. : )

Thursday 25 August 2011

Another Suprise.!

Wow wow.! After drunk yesterday, I'm so tired and woke up early.! Argh.! Yes.! It is 25 August.! MY DAY.! Haha.! Oh well, waiting for Rebecca Chan to wake up and we went for our lunch at Jusco Bukit Tinggi. Guess what.? We met Eddie Tay, Jenri and Xiao Teng.! So we Sakae Sushi together.! Woohoo.! Finished up everything and having ice cream, me and Rebecca went back to studio. Seeing those cute students, I invited Laz Minute (Raydio popping crew) to go mamak and I treat.! Haha.! They are really good boys and I hope they really can dance well. All of sudden, I receive a call from Rebecca said there are parents want to meet me at studio. So, I rush back like a Babi and Boom.! They shock me with BALLOONS.! Argh.! Naughty.! Alright then it's ok. I went back to Mamak to settle up the bill and all.

Stepping up the staircase, I saw inside of studio was so dark and BOOM.! Another Suprise with birthday cake.! Awwww...: ).. They are lovely students.! Sing and shout like mad at studio. I'm so thankful and touch. Receiving a silver cap from the
.! It is so nice and cool.! Love it.! I hope all of Raydio students will do well in studies so that it won't affected them to come Raydio to dance.! As I always say, Raydio only allow Dance n Enjoy.! So, thanks a lot boys and girls! I'm really blessed.! Appreciate.! : )

It's my birthday.!

Yeah.! It's 24/8/2011, yet everyone seems to be busy! Wendy said OT, Rebecca said family dinner, Willian Pauline Chee Heng said early back, Angel good in acting, Raymond and Wailun talented in drama-ing, Fenny good in spying, Eddie was preparing.! Oh well.! All of them are really good in drama.! I was kinda bored and thinking of celebrating my birthday on the next day as everyone was so damn busy. Sitting down at studio, playing Facebook and chatting with Rohan that he asking whether do I celebrate? I said "No". He is the first one to post on my Facebook wall to wish me Happy birthday. Wow it sounds great. Talking bout going beach, guitar, kite, beers and bubbles, I wonder if all this wishes will be true? Hope so. While waiting for a student parents, Wailun called Rohan and just fool around with him. Somehow I felt shy as they call me to answer the call n he wished me. After all, I drove back home and Angel with me as she said her mum will pick her from my shop.

Yes.! I'm home and my dad shout to me asking me to go at the back door. So I went and BOOM~! Big big Suprise for me from all of them singing birthday song with cake, mask, whistle and all.! I was like... STUNNED..@.@.. I can't believe it.! It was so touch.! My buddies all here.! Yes I'm really touch with my tears filling my eyes. I felt so thankful that I am blessed with such lovely family and buddies.! They are my family too.! We had game session and most of us gonna drunk, especially me! Woohoo.! I really enjoy! Thanks a lot and love u all.!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Buddies Outing.!

When I was about to fall asleep yesterday night, Angel Wong called me and said Amo was around OUG. Wanna ask for outing with us as he was really kinda free for whole day. So, today we went Sunway Pyramid to meet up Amo and chill. Great time there and had Chatime bubble tea. Haha.! Leekee Ooi joined us too. Talking nonsenses all day long. After all that we went for movie! Damn funny.! Fok Lok Sau.! Laugh die us like hell.! Haha.! Finished our movie and meet up with Leekee Ooi again together with Kong Chia Chan Jayzee. We had dinner together and I realized that they are really funny making fun of Jayzee especially Leekee, he was so fed up hahaha.! Woohoo.! Was kinda great time together and I've not been outing with such friends for such long time. Kinda fun to join different friends too.! Oh well, I appreciate all my buddies.! Amo is really a nice buddy and steady.! Wish him luck for his interview and we shall see him "buang" if ever got the chance.! Haha.! Great day.! : )